What we do not claim becomes invisible

What we do not claim becomes invisible
IVA has recently been host to the ACUMEN project. Twenty-one experts in research evaluation, project administrators and European Communion Evaluators have been developing the future of research evaluation, led by Professor Paul Wouters from CWTS, Leiden University.

Read more about ACUMEN.

The workshops

During the two-day workshop, arranged by Birger Larsen and Lorna Wildgaard, ACUMEN further investigated how current research evaluation is happening at the individual level. The project is two years in, and this, the final year, is the decisive year for the project's success or failure. The aim? To use the ACUMEN members' combined expertise to produce a portfolio of both traditional indicators and new (useful) qualitative indices and quantitative web-based and bibliometric measures. These measures will be presented to the researcher as an online enriched CV, which documents their research activities as well as supporting assessments of their expertise, output and influence in the context of their demographic information and career path narratives. This visualization tool will support the core creativity of research in all disciplines and not steer research in boring directions, such as publishing in high JIF journal rather than work with low-prestige but relevant problems. Hence the indicators are not limited to publication and citation counts, or limited to traditionally measureable forms of scientific communication in journals as a lot of communication now-a-days is on the web or through popular media channels or interactive installations.

The philosophy behind the project is to address the gap between creating research, evaluating research and promoting excellence. There is a problem in current systems of research evaluation and this problem is complicated. Researchers are people who are being evaluated between narrow frameworks and limited technology. In these systems the societal role of their research is secondary and the methods of evaluation, such as peer review can be biased, subjective, give power to scientific elite and enforce the gender power structure. To understand the effect of evaluation, we need to be aware of differences between disciplines, gender and culture. Thus, to obtain a consistency between the mission of the researcher and the mission of evaluation, ACUMEN will also be developing guidelines for Good Evaluation Practice in the hope that evaluation will be implemented in such a way that does not undermine the authority of the researcher in their process of quality, and support their craftsmanship without giving them all the freedom or taking freedom away.

What difference will ACUMEN make?
ACUMEN is investigating how evaluation plays out in diversity of labour force and gender. This questions the neutrality of evaluation and how straightforward it is. In cooperation with the European Commission, ACUMEN will contribute to policies and get research evaluation on a better track. The goal is still to promote excellence and tools that can solve societal problems but keep space for creativity. The connection of analysis of the individuals' career with evaluation and the interaction between evaluation process and career advancement will be strengthened. The measures created will enrich CVs and point to activities in a systematic way that is acceptable to evaluators. The ACUMEN Portfolio is the link between knowledge evaluation and how this is embedded in research careers evaluation.

The Open Seminar
The ACUMEN members were joined on the third and final day of the workshops by forty researchers and professionals not involved in the ACUMEN project but with a shared interest in research evaluation.

The theme of the seminar was how the performance of individual researchers is currently assessed and the discrepancies between the criteria used in performance assessment and the broader social and economic function of scientific and scholarly research. Additionally, problems in the current evaluation system were challenged, such as the applicability of quantitative measures at the individual level and the lack of recognition for new types of work that researchers need to perform. As a result, the broader social functions of the scientific system are often not included in its quality control mechanisms. Solutions to these challenges were suggested.

Invited speakers included Daniel Spichtinger, European Policy Officer evaluating the ACUMEN project, who introduced Horizon 2020 focusing on the funding rate and position of the social sciences and humanities. How the 70 billion euros designated for research investment will be distributed between disciplines is under discussion between the EU parliament and EU advisors. How this will play out is still unknown. One person with a clear opinion on this was Sune Auken, Leader of the PhD school at the Faculty of the Humanities. In his presentation, he reflected on the differences between the humanist and the hard sciences, and how in evaluation and in subsequent funding, humanists can be treated as failed scientists.
   The resulting small resources invested in humanist research mean that the effort to measure may not be worth it both time-wise and financially - a footnote to EU evaluators present. Clearly, evaluation measures must be designed specifically to account for the different perspectives of quality and influence in both the humanities and in the hard sciences. The theme of disciplinary (mis)use of measures was continued in Fredrik Åström's presentation (bibliometrician from Lund University). He questioned the use and interpretation of bibliometrics in evaluation, with the case of the h-index as a performance indicator in awarding funds. He found that it is assumed that reviewers know and understand differences between fields but this assumption is not in any way regulated or monitored. Dr. Kayvan Kousha, visiting fellow from the University of Wolverhampton, introduced a method for harvesting book citations from Google Books as a source of evidence for research impact while Dr. Andrea Scharnhorst, head of research at Data Archiving and Networked Services at Royal Netherlands Academy of Art and Sciences and active in the e-humanities group, discussed the challenges of providing a globally interoperable and expressive data infrastructure for research information.

With the workshops and seminar brought to a close, bibliometricians, researchers and evaluators alike were in agreement that there is inconsistency between the mission of the researcher and the mission of evaluation. Evaluation of the individual researcher is the cornerstone of the scientific and scholarly workforce and shapes the quality and relevance of knowledge production in science, technology and innovation. Not all the activities and efforts of the individual to communicate this research are measured, but this does not mean that what is not visible is not important.

By Lorna Wildgaard