Call for papers til BOBCATSSS 2012

BOBCATSSS 2011 symposiet i Szombathely er efterhånden vel overstået, så det er så småt ved at være tid at se frem mod BOBCATSSS 2012.

BOBCATSSS 2012 symposiet eller konferencen afholdes i Amsterdam, men det er ikke bare en hvilken som helst BOBCATSSS konference. Det er nemlig 20. gang, der afholdes BOBCATSSS symposium, og det afholdes til og med i den by, hvor det hele startede for over 20 år siden, så der bliver gjort noget helt særligt ud af denne konference.

BOBCATSSS 2012 afholdes i perioden 23.-25. januar, begge dage inklusiv.

Da BOBCATSSS symposiet er en konference arrangeret af studerende, primært med studerende og primært for LIS-studerende fra hele Europa, opfordres IVA-studerende og undervisere hermed til at indsende et paper/en artikel til den kommende konference. For nogle af jer kan det muligvis ligefrem anvendes som en del af jeres eksamen i et af de fag, der udbydes til efteråret.

Temaet for den kommende konference er:

E-media in Motion
There is hardly any information left that is only available in analogue formats. An increasing amount of data is only accessible through digital media. The devices being used to get access to information are developing rapidly. The world of mobile devices, cross media, augmented reality, learning through games instead of books, semantic web and new search techniques is a challenging and dynamic one.

Organizations 2.0
Organizations are adapting to the world around us; they have to! The globalised world demands us to find new ways of collaborating, learning and working. And as a result of that, we will have to find alternative ways and tools to record and archive our information.
How can organizations develop effective strategies to benefit from these challenges?

My Information
Can you remember the time when you had a diary with a lock, hidden in a place where no-one could find it.
Many people now use social networks where they keep track of what they are doing. Hardly hiding their private information; sharing the stories of their lives.
Who is able to access and (mis)use this information, or could privacy be guaranteed to a certain extend. Who are responsible? Governments? Non-government bodies, profit organizations or every individual?
It is all about the content and the use of content.

Access to Public Information
It is important for citizens to have access to the data they need. It is crucial in democratic processes. In order to achieve that, boundaries have to be eliminated. We have to be critical users of information and become 'media wise'.
Do governments have the responsibility to stimulate this critical process by funding public services like libraries and broadcasting organizations? Or will other stakeholders take over.
What are the strategies, concepts and events that will have impact on access on public information?

Fristen for indsendelse af paper/artikel til BOBCATSSS 2012 er:

Deadline: 1st October 2011
Notification of acceptance until 1st October 2011
Deadline for final version: 1st January 2012

Læs mere på BOBCATSSS' egen hjemmeside eller EUCLID's hjemmeside (European Association for Library & Information Education and Research).