EU-forskere samles om fremtidens informationssystemer

EU-forskere samles om fremtidens informationssystemer
Gennem flere år har forskere på tværs af faglige kompetencer og nationaliteter arbejdet på at udvikle et virtuelt laboratorium til evaluering af informationssystemer. Netværket hedder PROMISE-projektet, og i sidste uge var en af partnerforskerne på besøg på IVA for at komme målet endnu nærmere.

Georgeta Bordea er ph.d.-studerende på National University of Ireland, Galway, men i uge 42 var hun i Danmark for at bringe PROMISE-projektet nærmere dets målsætning gennem videnudveksling med forskere på IVA.

"The main focus for my stay here is that we would like some knowledge exchange: We come to the table with our experience in processing text, getting the topics that people work on, and the more content based part where it is the full text of the scientific publication we analyze. The approach here at IVA would be to analyze how people are cited, so you would look at how many citations a paper gets and you would have different ways of measuring that. Putting these two things together would be an interesting thing for us to do, and this is what we will work on. But this week is more about getting to know each other's work, and setting up some basis for our joined work," fortæller Georgeta.

"At the end of the week, I'm hoping to have a much better understanding of the citation based analysis and maybe some concrete plans of publishing something together, maybe some conferences, deadlines and of course contact with people from this group."

PROMISE-projektet er et "network of excellence", der samler kompetencerne og forskerne hos 14 partnerinstitutioner på tværs af EU. Idéen bag PROMISE er at samle de mange spredte kræfter, der lægges i skabelse af datasæt til evaluering af informationssystemer, fx søgemaskiner. Formålet med PROMISE er at skabe et virtuelt laboratorium, der gør det muligt at udføre, fremme og bringe automatisering ind i evaluering og benchmarking af komplekse informationssystemer. Dette gøres ved at lette styring, adgang, datasikring, konservering, genbrug, analyse, visualisering og udvinding af de indsamlede eksperimentelle data.

Projektet løber indtil august 2013, men Georgeta Bordea kan allerede nu trække vigtige resultater frem, som PROMISE har nået:

"The two main assets of the project would be the system that allows you to access all the data. You can just go to one place and get access to all the data. A conference has also been organized, which has a high recognition in the community with a lot of researchers participating."

Af Rikke Schielder

At the end of the week, I'm hoping to have a much better understanding of the citation based analysis and maybe some concrete plans of publishing something together, maybe some conferences, deadlines and of course contact with people from this group.

Georgeta Bordea