Nye perspektiver og internationale kontakter

Nye perspektiver og internationale kontakter
To af deltagerne på BOBCATSSS 2013 blev interviewet omkring deres oplevelse af konferencen.

Bernd Wunsch
Bachelorstuderende ved Det Informationsvidenskabelige Akademi, Danmark

Hvorfor tog du til BOBCATSSS i Ankara?
Jeg synes, det er fedt at møde studerende fra andre universiteter og se, hvad de laver, og hvad de synes er interessant. Og så synes jeg, at temaet på konferencen lød spændende (From Collections to Connections: Turning Libraries "Inside-out" Red.) og ville gerne vide mere om, hvad det dækkede over. Og så har jeg aldrig været i Tyrkiet før!

Har du lært noget nyt under konferencen?
De hollandske sessions og workshops omhandlende open data var rigtig interessante, og den ene workshop var med til at få mig til at se på nogle nye aspekter inden for open data. Og så var der en studerende fra Sydafrika, som snakkede om nonverbal kommunikation og e-læringsplatforme, som gav mig et helt nyt perspektiv på hele problemstillingen i, at e-læringsplatforme ikke tager højde for nonverbal kommunikation, selv om det er rigtig vigtigt!

Hvad synes du om BOBCATSSS 2013?
Jeg synes overordnet, at det var meget professionelt arrangeret, og jeg er glad for, at jeg fik taget mig sammen til at deltage. Jeg har lært mange nye ting og skabt nye internationale kontakter.

Kunne du finde på at tage af sted igen?
Absolut ja, helt bestemt.

Vassilis Galanos
Master student at the Royal School of Library and Information Science, Denmark

Why did you go?
I thought it was a nice idea. First time I heard about it was through Rasmus, the first day I came to IVA. I thought it would be a nice beginning to an academic career. And of course I also saw it as an opportunity to party.

When and why did you decide to submit a paper?
I decided that as soon as I heard about it. I finished it 3 days before the submission-deadline. The reason why I wanted to submit a paper was a combination of two things. My main inspiration was the title of the conference I think. The theme of the conference also made it possible for me to include previous works I have done earlier, so it was a combination of those two things.

Did you learn anything new?
No and yes. The conference improved my knowledge about hot topics, for instance open data and apps for smartphones. And it updated me on the latest news in the field of library and information science.

What did you like the most about the conference?
Keynote speakers definitely! They were both (Lorcan Dempsey (US) & Ragnar Audunson (NO) Red.) very fluent in expressing what they wanted to say. Plus, I went to a session with two girls working on a library in Saudi Arabia. They did a presentation about the whole design of a university library in Saudi Arabia. In their presentation, they were asking us how we would design the library. It was an interactive presentation, which included theoretical information about design and architecture in libraries in general.

How did you like the conference?
It was just perfect! I really enjoyed it. I personally really like Turkey, so it was a perfect combination. I met a lot of interesting new people, and I think it was the beginning of new friendships and professional connections. I have attended about 15-20 other conferences before this one - you have plenty of free time being a bachelor student. However, this one was more than professional because it was a student arranged conference.

How would you sum up BOBCATSSS 2013 in one sentence?
BOBCATSSS is a place where young people meet to have a good time and find out what the future of their profession is going to be like.

Af Stine Netman

Bernd Wunsch int

Bernd Wunsch

Vassilis Galanos int

Vassilis Galanos


Dette nummer af Insight IVA er skrevet af studerende, der har været med til at arrangere den årlige BOBCATSSS-konference. Ta' med dem til Ankara.

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