Kinesisk gæsteforsker på IVA

Mød IVAs nye gæsteforsker, Wei Lu, som skal tilbringe 10 måneder på IVA.

Professor Wei Lu besøger IVA som gæsteforsker fra Wuhan Universitet i Kina, som er en af IVAs iSchool-partnere. Han skal opholde sig på IVA i 10 måneder for i samarbejde med Birger Larsen at gennemføre et projekt om udvikling og sikring af intern vidensoverførsel i globale højteknologi-virksomheder. Projektet undersøger specifikt den farmaceutiske industri og inddrager innovation på området - også i en kinesisk kontekst.

Forud for professorudnævnelsen har Wei Lu gennemført halvandet års post doc studier ved University of London. Han er desuden den første Danida Fellowship-forsker på IVA.

What are your main research areas?
My main research area is information retrieval, especially focused on XML Retrieval and Entity Retrieval in the past. I also have some interest in Knowledge Management and organization in particular.

What made you decide to come to RSLIS?
It was mainly because of RSLIS's world renowned reputation and high research level on Library and Information Science. Furthermore, RSLIS is very well-known in my research area. There has also been past communication between the two schools and the scholars. The rector of RSLIS, Professor Per Hasle, as well as Professor Peter Ingwersen visited our school in the past, and I got to know Birger Larsen at INEX - a workshop focused on XML Retrieval - in 2005 in Germany.

What will you be doing while you are here?
I will do a joint project funded by Danida Fellowship with Birger Larsen and cooperate with him on other ideas to conduct some IR research. Besides that, I want to communicate with and study the people and staff here. I also hope to make friends and try to understand the society and the culture of Denmark.

What are you hoping to get out of your stay?
First of all, I want to finish the funded project. Secondly, I hope to promote myself and set up a long term research cooperation relationship. Finally, I wish to enhance the communication and exchange between our two institutions.

Af Helle Saabye